
Reflections: Life's Lessons Through My Journey

1. The Day I Learned the Real Power of Positive Persuasion.

During my college days, there was an adjacent building whose roof we could access directly from our classroom window. One day, just five minutes before class was about to begin, my friends Deepak, X, and I decided to jump onto the roof from the window. Unfortunately, a classmate who remained in the classroom saw this and decided to close the window, leaving us with no way to return. We began to panic, knowing that if the professor arrived before we could get back in, we would be in serious trouble.

One of my friends began scolding and threatening the classmate to open the window, but his efforts were in vain. However, Deepak took a different approach. Instead of getting angry, he praised the classmate, saying, “You’re such a good person; this behavior doesn’t suit you. This isn’t something a person of your caliber would do. You’re a great guy, and this doesn’t match your personality.” Deepak’s words had an immediate effect. The classmate’s attitude softened, and not only did he open the window, but he did so with a sense of guilt.

This experience taught me a powerful lesson: sometimes, praise can be far more effective than threats. By appealing to the better nature of others, you can often achieve your goals while leaving everyone involved feeling respected and valued.

2. Embrace Challenges and Lead with Courage: A Transformative Lesson in Initiative

“Don’t shy away from presenting your views and making a request. The worst outcome is a ‘no’ or a stern rebuke. But if it’s a ‘yes,’ you'll lead and be celebrated for your initiative. This was a hard-earned lesson from my college days.”

Back in college, our annual college excursion was canceled, but we wanted to route it through our Commerce Association. Surprisingly, everyone, including our professors and even the dean, hesitated to approach the principal for approval. My professor urged me to take the plunge. Feeling like a scapegoat, I was filled with apprehension. But he reassured me, saying, “What’s the worst that can happen? He might deny it or scold you, but he won’t expel you. If he says no, some friends might tease you, but they are the ones who never even try, so their opinions shouldn’t matter.”

Summoning my courage, I approached the principal, answered his questions confidently, and not only secured approval for the excursion but also got it sponsored by the college.

This experience taught me a powerful life lesson that applies to everyone: Courage and initiative are the keys to unlocking success. Don’t let the fear of rejection or ridicule hold you back. Each step you take, no matter how small, brings you closer to your goals. Embrace challenges, take the lead, and watch where your determination can take you.

Whether you're a student, a professional, or someone facing a personal challenge, remember that the greatest rewards come from stepping out of your comfort zone. Believe in yourself, and don't be afraid to ask for what you need.

3. "Power of Humility - A teacher’s lifelong lessons”

During my school years, I was an average student, but in class XI, I achieved the third rank. Overwhelmed with joy, I couldn't believe this accomplishment—after all, I was earning a rank after ten years. Elated and feeling on top of the world, I went to see my teacher, Dr. J.K. Aggarwal, now a principal at a government college.

Seeing my excitement, he calmly said, "My dear, stay grounded—there are still two above you." His words brought me back to reality. He continued, "You have great potential. When your achievements make you feel overconfident, remember those ahead of you. And when you feel down, remember many don't have what you have." After a pause, he shared this profound principle: “If you are overconfident, look at those above you. If you are depressed, look at those below you.”

This wisdom, though reminiscent of Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings, struck me deeply through its practical application. That lesson stayed with me, teaching me the importance of humility and perspective, and guiding me throughout my journey.

Reflecting on this, I realize how pivotal Dr. Aggarwal's guidance was. His words were not just advice; they were a lifeline that shaped my path. The influence of a great teacher is truly transformative, leaving indelible marks that propel us to achieve more than we ever thought possible.

This experience is not just a personal anecdote but a powerful management lesson. In leadership, it’s crucial to stay grounded amidst success and maintain perspective during challenging times. Leaders who can balance confidence with humility inspire their teams to achieve greatness while staying rooted in reality.

When we think about the mentors who have guided and inspired us, it’s evident how their wisdom shapes our paths both personally and professionally. Their lessons stay with us, influencing our decisions and actions, and their impact is felt throughout our journeys.

4. The Power of One Mark: A Lesson for CA Aspirants

In the world of Chartered Accountancy, a single mark can be the deciding factor in your journey. It’s that one mark that stands between success and failure, between becoming a Chartered Accountant or not. But it’s not just about passing; it’s also about excellence.

I often share this perspective with CA aspirants: “399 out of 800, and you’re not a CA. But 400 out of 800, and suddenly, you are—a symbol of intelligence and dedication.” This profession is tough, and that’s precisely why it’s one of the most respected. Unlike many others, CA exams are purely merit-based, with no reservations in admissions or in the final results. It’s all on you.

Recently, while discussing this with Mr. Akshit Singhal, he offered an insight that deepened my understanding. “Sir,” he said, “I agree that one mark can decide whether you pass or fail, whether you’re seen as intelligent or not. But that same one mark can also determine whether you rank first or drop down the list.”

His words resonated with me. It’s not just about scraping through—it’s about striving for that one extra mark that could make all the difference. Whether you’re aiming to pass or to rank, that one mark holds immense power.

So, as you prepare for your exams, remember that every single mark counts. It’s your choice—will you aim to just pass, or will you push yourself towards excellence and aim for the rank?

5. Problem Kaha Hai?

“Problem kaha hai?” is a simple yet powerful question that can unlock the solutions to many of our challenges. During my learning Jiurney at B.C. Jindal group, I vividly remember how “Sir” would ask this question whenever we were stuck. It wasn’t about finding fault in others, but rather a nudge to introspect and identify where the real issue lies.

Often, the problem isn’t external but within our own mindset. Our thinking patterns shape our reality—when we approach situations with a negative or rigid mindset, the results tend to follow suit. But when we shift our perspective and challenge our thinking, we open the door to new possibilities.

This question serves as a reminder that the first step in solving any problem is to look within. By adjusting our mindset, we can often find that the solutions we were searching for were right in front of us all along.

6. Beyond the Medal: Why Confidence Trumps Qualifications

During my first year of articleship, I visited a client site and had a question about a journal entry. The auditee’s response was, ”You don’t even know this? You’re a graduate!” As a gold medalist, I felt a wave of embarrassment for asking what seemed like a basic question.

But the next day, our firm’s partner asked the same query, and the same person patiently took out a paper and pencil to explain it to her.

This experience taught me two invaluable lessons:

  1. Confidence is Key: Your qualifications don’t define your worth. Confidence comes from understanding that no one knows everything, and it’s okay to ask questions, no matter your position.
  2. Be Humble and Curious: Don’t let pride stop you from seeking knowledge. Every question you ask is a step toward growth.
  3. In our professional lives, true confidence isn’t about knowing it all—it’s about knowing that it’s perfectly fine to keep asking and learning. Never let self-doubt hold you back from growth.

7. Respect at Work: Secret unrevealed

Starting my corporate journey, I was fortunate to have Mr. VK Gupta, now CEO at Jindal Poly Films Limited, as my first reporting manager. He shared a piece of wisdom that has stayed with me: "If you know how to do your work and have the right intent, your boss will always respect you."

Within just two months of joining, he was transferred to another group company. The uncertainty of working under a new reporting manager was daunting, especially when the equation with your manager matters most. But Mr. Gupta's words remained a beacon: (If you know how to work and have the right intent, everyone will respect you—since you have both, why worry?).

This principle has been a cornerstone of my professional life, helping me navigate challenges and build lasting relationships throughout my career. It’s a simple yet profound truth that continues to resonate with me today.

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